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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Noun Phrase (Frasa Nomina)

A noun is a part of speech which identify people, places, things, ideas, etc.A phrase is two or more words that are related to each other. 
Noun Phrase
is a phrase which has a noun —a person, place, or thing—as its head, and the modifierswhich distinguish it.
Noun Phrase adalah frasa antaranoun, pronoun, atau number(berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier.
Komponen noun phrase terdiri dari:
·         determiner, yaitu: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), dan/atau post-determiner (number, quantifier).
·         head, yaitu: noun atau numeral/number.

1.  Head terdiri atas:
·         noun (kata benda); berupa: 
countable noun (contoh: student, cat, job) atau 
uncountable noun (contoh: sugar, cheese, tolerance)
·         number; yaitu:
ordinal numbers (contoh: first, second, third),
cardinal numbers (contoh: one, two, ten), dan
general ordinal (contoh: next, last, previous, subsequent)
·         adjective (kata sifat); contoh: rich, poor

2.    Determiner or Modifiers can come before or after the noun. Ones that come before might include articles, possessive nouns, possessive pronouns, adjectives, adverb and/or participles.
Articles                         : a dog, the girls
Possessive nouns         : Aunt Audrey's dog, the policeofficer's dog
Possessive pronouns    : our dog, my bag,her book.
Adjectives                    : a messy room, the big dog, the spotted dog
Adverb                         : very generous boy, too terrible report
Participles                    : the drooling dog, the barking dog, the well trained dog
Modifiers that come after the noun might include prepositional phrases,adjective clauses, participle phrases, and/or infinitives.
Prepositional phrases         : a cup of tea, the man from Bandung,the dog behind the fence
Adjective clauses                : the dog that chases cats, friends who support me, the city where I studied.
Participle phrases               : the man driving to the post office, The ball hit by the athlete, the dog walked daily
Adjective                             : someone special, something stupid, somebody helpful
Infinitives                            : the dog to catch, the food to eat, the book to read


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