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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Contoh Lesson Plan

Dalam mata kuliah micro teaching, membuat suatu lesson plan adalah suatu keharusan. Karena sebelum praktek mengajar, mahasiswa harus membuat rencana pembelajaran dalam kelas. Berikut contoh lesson plan dengan materi noun phrase.


Teacher            : nama
Subject            : Grammar
Class                : 8th grade
Duration          : 20 minutes

I.     Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a.         Determine noun phrase
b.         Identify the component of noun phrase
c.         Give the samples of noun phrase

II.  Subject Matter
Topic          : Noun Phrase
References : - Basic English Syntax with Exercises page 24-26
-  http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/nounphrase.htm
-  http://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-contoh-kalimat-noun-phrases
-  http://grammar.about.com/od/mo/g/nounphraseterm.htm
-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaSqg8vdxn0
Materials    : power point presentation,whiteboard, video of noun phrase.

III.   Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
The teacher greets the students
They answer the teacher's greet

2 minutes
"Good afternoon, class"
"Good afternoon"
"Today we're going to learn about noun phrase. Is there anyone know what is it?"
Remain silent
"Well, because no one answer I assume that we need to start learning it"

"Ok, anyone know waht is 'noun' means?"
"Noun is word which indicate something"
"Correct, but it is not only something, but also someone"

"Now, let's start the lesson"
Explain to the students about:
Book and websites
8 minutes
§  Noun
§  Noun Phrase
§  Component of Noun Phrase
§  Sample of Noun Phrase
Show the illustration of noun phrase to the students through the video
5 minutes
The teacher gives the students some questions written in power point, and the students are asked to guess which are the noun phrase
Mentions the noun phrase of the sentences showed
3 minutes
Review the material and give occasion for students to ask about the lesson
Asking questions

2 minutes

IV.   Evaluation
Identify each noun phrase of the following sentences:
He lived alone in a hut by a small forest.
All the kids were sleeping.
He bought her a beautiful red dress.
Will you talk with these rude people?
The boy in the blue jeans says he'll do it.
The blue beautiful fan is mine.

The wells and water table
 had been polluted 
If you haven't imported a filter, the default is a unity gain.
In the Advanced Options, use the arrows to adjust the percentage.
I live with my beloved daughter.
V.      Assignment

Write a one-page short story, and underline each noun phrase contained in the story. 

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