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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Contoh Bab 1 dalam Skripsi

Example of first chapter in a thesis

This time I'd like to share the sample writing of Chapter I in a thesis. It will discuss about semiotics using Roland Barthes' theory:


1.1. Background of the Study
Semiotics or semiology is generally defined as the study of sign. As stated by Ferdinand de Saussure, “semiology is a science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable” (Pierre Guiraud, 1975: 1). The term is taken from Greek words бημείου ‘sign’ and σήμα ‘signal’. The Latinized transliteration of the Greek form semeio- has become the basis derivation of various terms in field of semiotics and semantics (Winfried Nöth, 1990:13). Semiotics is developed greatly by several founders; some who are influential in this field are Pierce, Saussure, and Barthes.
Each founder have their own concept of sign, like Charles Sanders Pierce who categorized sign into three categories which he called ‘triple connection of sign’ that consist of sign, thing signified, and cognition produced in mind. Diferrent from Pierce, Ferdinand de Saussure has different concept as well. He divides linguistic sign into two sides; they are signified (mental concept) and signifier (material concept).  As the previous founder, Roland Barthes also has his own concept of sign. He separates sign into three messages: a linguistic message, a coded iconic message (connotation), and a non-coded iconic message (denotation). Since this thesis will be analyzed based on Barthes’ concept, his theory will be discussed deeper.
Semiotics which studies sign system has many forms in application, such as languages, codes, set of signals, etc. Language is part of semiotics because it has a privileged and autonomous status, and it is defined as the study of linguistic sign system. One of the real applications of semiotics is advertisement can be found in many kinds of media like television, radio, newspaper, magazine, online, etc.
In this thesis, I will analyze audiovisual advertisement of Samsung mobile phone taken from video-sharing website called YouTube. The advertisement which is in form of short movie entitled “Samsung Galaxy A8: In 20 hours ft. Eva Celia – Short Movie” was published on November 20, 2015 by the name of Samsung Indonesia. I choose to take the object from online source, because nowadays many people can easily access everything in virtual world. I will analyze both linguistic sign system and non-linguistic sign system of the advertisement since it is in form of video. The advertising video is not only promotes the mobile phone, but also contains other messages. Therefore, I am interested in analyzing the advertisement in form of short movie to uncover its denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth.
1.2.  Research Questions
Based on the explanation of the background of the study above, the questions that will be discussed can be seen as the following:
1.      How are the meaning of denotation and connotation of the Samsung mobile phone advertisement entitled “Samsung Galaxy A8: In 20 hours ft. Eva Celia – Short Movie”?
2.      What are the messages contained in the Samsung mobile phone advertisement?
1.3.  Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is answering the research questions; it is to investigate the meaning contained in the Samsung mobile phone advertisement entitled “Samsung Galaxy A8: In 20 hours ft. Eva Celia – Short Movie”. In analyzing the meaning, the researcher will use Roland Barthes’ theory; therefore, there will be three output meanings; they are denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth. Each scene of the advertisement will be analyzed from the three meanings and will be described the message contained. This explanation hopefully can be reference for people who have not understood the meaning of the advertisement and can be more interested in studying semiotics.
1.4.  Scope of the Study
The object of the research will focus on the advertisement video of Samsung Galaxy A8 taken from online sites called YouTube. The video that will be analyzed are only the video entitled “Samsung Galaxy A8: In 20 hours ft. Eva Celia – Short Movie”, because the video has a quite long duration for an advertisement; it is 9 minutes. In addition, by using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, this study will focus on three main analyses: denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth that will be described broader on each scene.

1.5.  Previous Studies
There are several previous studies that can be taken as references related to Roland Barthes’ semiotics. The first is a thesis written by Siti Sopianah (2010) entitled “Analisis Semiotik terhadap Iklan Susu Bendera Edisi Ramadhan 1430 H di Televisi”. She analyzed the milk advertisement using Roland Barthes’ theory, therefore; she described the denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth of every scene of the video. In describing the thesis, she was not only described the analysis but also explained the type of shot on the scene. However, she did not make a deep analysis of the verbal communication, but she made the overall analysis.
The second study was written by Sri Wahyuningsih (2014) that analyzed the Samsung mobile phone advertisement version Gading and Giselle in Madura Island. On her journal, she also used Roland Barthes’ theory in analyzing the advertisement. She focused on describing the cow racing as Madura people’s tradition in denotative and connotative meaning. She united the connotative meaning and myth as one component as second order signification.
The third previous study used as reference is entitled Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu Imagine (Studi Analisis Semiotika Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu Imagine yang Dipopulerkan Oleh John Lennon) by Aldino Agusta Walad. His research focused on song lyrics ‘imagine’ which was analyzed using Roland Barthes’ theory. He explained the three output meaning of each line of the song, but he just interpreted the meaning shortly on the table.
Based on the previous researches, there are spaces that can be filled in this research such as make a deep analysis of the object of the study, not only the whole advertisement, but also describe the linguistic sign of it. I will also describe the denotative meaning, connotative meaning, and myth of each scene of the advertisement, and the type of shot as well.
1.6.  Writing Organization
                          This chapter consist of background of the study, research questions, purpose of the study, scope of the study, and previous studies.
                            It contains the underlying theory
                            It discussed the types of research, data and sources, population, sample & sampling technique, data collecting method, and data analyzing method.
                            It describes the analisis of the data. The explanation will be the answer of the research questions that are wanted to identify.
                            This chapter contains the conclusion of the analysis and suggestion for the next researchers who are interested to this topic.
Guiraud, Pierre. (1975). Semiology. Great Britain: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Cobley, Paul and Litza Jansz. (1997). Introducing Semiotics. United States: Totem Books
Fiske, John. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (2nd edition). London:Routledge

Indonesia, Samsung. (2015). Samsung Galaxy A8: In 20 hours ft. Eva Celia – Short Movie. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVuXppM6lZ8 [25.3.16]
Nöth, Winfried. (1990). Handbook of Semiotics. USA: Indiana University Press
Sopianah, Siti. (2010). Analisis Semiotik terhadap Iklan Susu Bendera Edisi Ramadhan 1430 H di Televisi. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Retrieved from http://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/957/1/SITI%20SOPIANAH-FDK.pdf
Wahyuningsih, Sri. (2014). KEARIFAN BUDAYA LOKAL MADURA SEBAGAI MEDIA PERSUASIF (Analisis Semiotika Komunikasi Roland Barthes dalam Iklan Samsung Galaxy Versi Gading dan Giselle di Pulau Madura). Universitas Trunojoyo, Madura. Retrieved from http://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/SOSIO-FITK/article/view/1259/1125
Walad, Aldino Agusta. (n.d.). Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu Imagine (Studi Analisis Semiotika Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu Imagine yang Dipopulerkan Oleh John Lennon). Retrieved from http://jurnal.usu.ac.id/index.php/flow/article/download/1608/914

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